Serene Spence is Oji-Cree, Marten Falls First Nation member, mother, and a proud new ‘Kookum’ (grandmother). Serene has resided in Thunder Bay for 27 years. Serene started out volunteering on the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Youth Council, Ontario Young Peoples Council, NAN Women’s Council, a technician for Chiefs of Ontario Women’s Council; that began her passion of interest into Indigenous politics. Through these memberships, she developed a strong work ethic, advocacy, gained long-term friendships, discovered mentors; each council had a mission statement to address social and systemic issues within the region. Serene graduated with Honours in Sociology, with a specialization in Aboriginal Justice & Criminology at the University of Saskatchewan. Serene’s work has led to organizing focus group sessions and workshops, conducting social research, data analysis, following code of ethics, and stakeholder mapping. She strives to build rapport with communities and clients, which builds a network base for future projects.